Trainee (Legal) Vacancy In MPA

Legal Associate Vacancy In Sinha & Sinha Law Offices
Mumbai Port Authority(MPA) invites applications from eligible Indian nationals for Trainee to work on a contract basis in Legal Division.
No of post: 18 (SC-1, ST-1 & OBC-4)
Age Limit: 21 years - 30 years. Upper age is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST applicants and 3 years for OBC applicants.
Salary: Rs.25000/- per month
Educational qualifications:
Full time degree in Law (3 year course or 5-year course) (Final year law students awaiting for results are also eligible to apply, but they will be engaged only after producing their pass certificate.)
How to apply: Interested candidates may submit their application(s) in
The prescribed format (Application form) by:
(i) Downloading the application format from website (Media/Vacancy' menu).
(ii) Filling the application format with the required details and declaration.
(iii) The filled in application form along with required documents for determining eligibility is to be sent to the below mentioned address by courier/ post before the last date of application i.e. 1.8.2022 by superscribing on the envelope as "Application for the post of Trainees (Legal) on contract basis", The Secretary, Mumbai Port Authority,General Administration Department, Port House, 2nd Floor, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400001.
(iv) Merely submitting Resume/ CVs and incomplete application will be liable to be rejected.
Last date to apply: 1st August 2022
Click here for the official notification