Member Vacancy In CGRF, NDMC

Vacancy In Grade- III Of Tripura Judicial Service
New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) invites application for the post of 01 Member in the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) in terms of the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forum for Redressal of Grievances of the Consumers and Ombudsman) Regulations 2018.
No of posts: 01
Age limit: the age of the applicant on the date of occurrence of vacancy shall be such that he may be able to serve at least one term of three (3) years at the Forum
Salary: consolidated salary of Rs.1,00,000/- per month (Rupees One Lakh Only) (with 5% increment per annum).
Essential qualification: degree in law from a recognized university and having at least twenty (20) years of experience in handling legal matters.
How to apply: Applications not forwarded as per format are likely to be rejected. Copies of self-attested testimonials/ certificates relating to educational, work experience and proof of date of birth are to be attached and a self-attested passport size photograph is to be affixed on the application form. In addition, applicants are required to furnish a vigilance clearance/ undertaking as applicable as per the formats given out in Annexure-| to Annexure-|I. Additional info if any, may be provided in a separate sheet. The duly completed application is to be submitted in the office of Director (Personnel), Room No. 5001, 5th Floor, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), Palika Kendra, Sansad Marg, New Delhi- 110001. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed as "Applied for Member, in ECGRF, NDMC"
Last date to apply: 18th February 2022
Click here for the official notification