219 Civil Judge Vacancies In Gujarat
The High Court of Gujrat, at Sola, Ahmedabad invites application from eligible candidates for the post of Civil judges
No of posts: 219 (G-112, SC-15, ST-33, SEBC-59, PwD-09)
Age limit:
- As on the last date fixed for submission of Online Application, a candidate belonging to General Category must not have crossed the age of 35 years and others i.e. in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Socially & Educationally Backward Classes, declared as such by the Government of Gujarat, as well as Disabled Persons (PH) & ExServicemen, must not have completed 38 years of age.
- The employees working in the Courts or other Allied Departments shall be allowed on a uniform basis, relaxation of a maximum period of 05 years or to the extent of equal number of years for which service has been put in by him/her, whichever is less, in the upper age limit.
- However, in any case, the Upper Age Limit for such Candidate under any Category shall not exceed 40 years, as on the last date of submitting the 'Online Application'.
Salary: Rs. 27,700 – 770 – 33,090 – 930 – 40,530 – 1080 – 44,850 + Allowances as admissible under the Rules.
Essential qualification: A prospective Candidate must possess a Degree in Law from a University recognized by law in India &
- Will have to pass the vernacular (Gujarati) language proficiency test. [See instructions at Item No.5(I)(iv)] Provided that, those candidates who have cleared their secondary as well as higher secondary examination with subject of Gujarati (Higher Level at both stages), shall not be required to pass aforementioned examination.
- must be practicing as an Advocate in Courts of Civil and /or Criminal Jurisdiction on the last date fixed for submission of Online Application.
- Candidates, who have passed the Degree in Law from the academic year 20092010 and onwards, must have also passed the All India Bar Examination, in order to be considered as eligible for being termed as a Practicing Advocate.
- must be working in the Courts or other Allied Departments on the last date fixed for receipt of applications.
- Must possess Certificate(s), certifying to be possessing Basic Knowledge of Computer Application / Operation, issued by a Government Institute or other recognized Institute, as set out by the Government of Gujarat in General Administrative Department Resolution No. PRCH1020051532K, dated 30/09/2006 and Resolution No.CRR102007120320G.5 dated 13/08/2008.
Examination fees: The candidates belonging to General Category are required to pay Examination Fees of Rs.1000/ plus Bank Charges whereas Rs.500/ plus Bank Charges are required to be paid by the Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Socially & Educationally Backward Classes, Physically Disabled Persons (PH) and ExServicemen Categories via "Print Application/Pay Fee" Button through SBI ePay, provided on the webpage of HCOJAS Portal – https://hcojas.gujarat.gov.in.
How to apply:
All eligible Candidates should apply 'Online', through the link provided on High Court Websites https://www.gujarathighcourt.nic.in and https://hcojas.gujarat.gov.in, in the prescribed format.
Candidates should have his/her own 'registered' Mobile Number and the same should be kept active during the entire recruitment process, as 'SMS' alerts for the Tests, are also likely to be notified on the Mobile Number, so registered in the 'Online' Application.
Last date to apply: 02nd March 2022
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