Kerala Law Academy Is Organising International Seminar On Role Of Judiciary In Controlling Maladministration
Kerala law academy organising 13th International Seminar on Role of Judiciary in Controlling Maladministration – A Comparative Study.
Dates of event: 23rd July 2022
Theme of event:
1. Remedies for Maladministration
2. Inter relation between corruption and maladministration
3. Maladministration- a time line between power and responsibility
4. Ombudsman and human right protection
5. Judicial influence in ombudsman
6. Relation between ombudsman and the courts
7. Maladministration- complaints
8. Maladministration in public sector
9. Government vs. maladministration
10. Bureaucratic corruption and legal control
11. The problem of maladministration
12. Judicial role in controlling maladministration
13. Principles of judicial control over administration
14. Conventions against maladministration
15. Ombudsman: Domestic protection and promotion of international Human rights
16. Powers of ombudsman
Who can participate: Law Students, Academicians, Lawyers, Social Workers, Policy Makers, and Officials from various Departments- Representatives from Institutions and Professionals; NGO, Social Activists, Social Science Researchers and Faculty and Research Scholars.
Event mode: The Seminar is conducted through the online platform ZOOM. All the participants should have good access to the internet and be able to access the above said online platform.
Awards & Certificate: All the Participants registered for Presentation and Participation will be awarded with a respective E-certificate
Submission guidelines:
•Kindly confine yourself to the areas identifiable with the title of seminar.
• The papers must be in Times New Roman, Font Size: Heading-14, Text-12 in A4 format, single line spacing, in justify not exceeding 2500 words including Title, details of the Author/s and Footnotes.
• Authors are encouraged to use The Bluebook (21st ed.) citation format for footnoting and it should be in Times New Roman Font 10 size. Further, speaking footnotes are discouraged.
• An Abstract not exceeding 250 words shall be submitted for consideration.
• The Abstract shall contain the Synopsis of the Paper, Subtitles, Reference materials and conclusion indicating author's perspective.
• The Abstract must be mailed to [email protected] on or before July 10th, 2022. It must be accompanied by a cover page, stating the following: Title of the paper; Sub-Theme; Name of Author(s); Name of Institute/Organization; Official Designation; E-mail Address; Postal Address, Contact Number.
Registration fees: There is a registration fee of INR 750 per Author (Additional fee of INR 250 should be paid in the case of maximum one Co-Author).
For Seminar Participation only: INR 200.
The payment can be made through the online link provided in the Kerala Law Academy website.
Important Dates:
• Submission of Abstracts: 10th July 2022.
• Communication of Abstract Acceptance: 12th July 2022.
• Submission of Full paper: 18th of July 2022.
• Intimation of Full paper Acceptance: 20th July 2022.
• Date of payment of Registration fee: 21st July 2022.
• International Seminar: July 23rd 2022
Last date to register: 18th July 2022
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