Jagran Lakecity University & CHRGS Organising Pink Heroes Law Conference

The Centre for Human Rights, Gender and Social Inclusion (CHRGS) of Faculty of Law, Jagran Lakecity University Bhopal in collaboration with the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi is organizing an annual South Asia conference titled 'Pink Heroes Law Conference' (PHLC).
Dates of event: 08th & 09th March 2022
Course objective: It aims to bring together women and third gender law professors, scholars, and researchers under the age of 40 to showcase their legal research on distinct themes of the conference.
- Role of Women in Law & Policy Making
- Contribution of Women in Legal Research & Development
- Women at Bar and Bench
- Contribution of Women as Social Entrepreneur
- Women in Legal Entrepreneurship: Breaking the Stereotype
- Women as Pillars of Law Enforcement (Police and related agencies)
- Women as Institution Builders (Legal Education)
Who can participate: Women and third gender law teachers, researchers, lawyers and other women and third gender scholars in related disciplines of research and training, under 40 years of age.
Submission guidelines:
- All submissions must be made in English language only.
- Co-authorship is allowed up to a maximum of two authors
- The author(s) must submit an abstract of minimum 500 words and maximum 1000 words (including footnotes in both cases) through google form link: https://forms.gle/HznVdoifCMLeroMi7 or before March 2, 2022 (Wednesday).
- Acceptance of abstract shall be communicated by March 5, 2022 (Saturday). The selected abstract will only be invited for presentation at PHLC.
- The manuscript should be original and unpublished work of the author(s) and any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The author(s) has to give a declaration of the originality of the work
- Author(s) shall solely be responsible for the accuracy of statements, opinion and view presented in the manuscripts. Format: All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12, justified and with 1.5 line spacing
- File name of abstract submission shall adhere to the style 'First name of author_PHLC'
- Footnotes Citation Method: ILI Citation Style (Access at https://www.ili.ac.in/cstyle.pdf) Electronic submissions must be made in MS Word Format (.doc)/(.docx) only. Submissions made in any other format shall not be considered.
Registration fees & mode of payment:
Indian: INR 750- Paytm
International: $20- Through bank transfer
Last date to register: 07th March 2022
Click here for the brochure
Click here for the official notification