Delhi High Court and Trial Courts To Start Physical Hearings From 2 March

The Delhi High Court and trial courts will shift to physical hearings from 2nd March 2022.
As per the order dated 11th February, 2021 issued by the Registrar General, the High Court will function in a hybrid mode from 14th February to 28th February, where at least 50% of the benches will function physically and the other 50% will function virtually.
From 2nd March 2022, the court will completely shift to physical hearings.
However an option of hybrid hearing after 2nd march,2022 will be given in exceptional circumstances on a case-to-case basis.
The order also states that Advocates, staff officials, litigants, and other visitors to the Courts shall follow all the Covid-19 protocols, guidelines, directions, etc. issued by the Government of India, Government of NCT of Delhi, and Court administration from time to time.
As far as the trial courts are concerned, a separate and similar order has been passed stating that 50% of the judicial officers are expected to operate virtually and the other 50% to hold the courts physically. This arrangement shall be in place till 28th February and after that trial courts will also completely shift to physical hearings.
Click here to read/download the Order